welcome to OneMagic's Whale page
lwhale.jpg (50K) - killer whale from San Diego SeaWorld (courtesy Ann B.).....
ldolphin.jpg (34K) - dolphin from San Diego SeaWorld (courtesy Ann B.).....
jumping.jpg (58K) - more dolphins at SeaWorld (courtesy Ann B.).....
2whales.jpg (16K) - mother and daughter playing .....
breach.jpg (16K) - mother and daughter breaching the surface .....
chrch123.jpg (26K) - must be the big kid on the block !
badge.jpg (13K) - taking the dive and showing his markings .....
whaltail.jpg (4K) - 'jes kroozin .....
whl_tal.jpg (9K) - goin' for the deep dive .....
whaltai3.jpg (5K) - more markings .....
shrkcalf.jpg (5K) - a baby whale surfin' .....
whaltai2.jpg (10K) - salt water's sheeting action at work .....
humpback.gif (55K) - drawing of two humpbacks .....
shamu.jpg (27K) - shamu - from san antonio's seaworld page .....
dolphcar.jpg (27K) - five dolphins in unison .....
dolphin1.gif (273K) - four dolphins .....
dolphinc.jpg (98K) - outstanding shot of two dolphins playing .....
dolphn2.gif (85K)
- two dolphins playing along side the smithsonian research vessel .....
bludolph.gif (114K) - pacific whiteside dolphins .....
turs1.jpg (83K) - come on in fer a swim ! .....
dplanet.gif (207K) - it's their world too !! .....
dspace.gif (58K) - a dolphin's universe ! (courtesy Kathy P.) .....
I have had the pleasure of having
guests to my whales page !!
thanks and come back soon !
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